7th Grade Math

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
90 Integers

Add Integers with Different Signs

Find 7 + (-1).
7 + (-1) = 6 Subtract absolute values; 7 - 1 = 6. Since 7 has the greater absolute
value, the sum is positive.

Find - 8 + 3.

  • 8 + 3 = - 5 Subtract absolute values; 8 - 3 = 5. Since -8 has the greater absolute
    value, the sum is negative.

Find 2 + (-15) + (-2).
2 + (-15) + (-2) = 2 + (-2) + (-15) Commutative Property (+)
= [2 + (-2)] + (-15) Associative Property (+)
= 0 + (-15) Additive Inverse Property
= - 15 Additive Identity Property

g. 10 + (-12) h. - 13 + 18 i. (-14) + (-6) + 6

ROLLER COASTERS The graphic shows the change in height at
several points on a roller coaster. Write an addition sentence to
find the height at point D in relation to point A.

+ 20





  • 32

+ 16 -^10

20 + (-32) + 16 = 20 + 16 + (-32) Commutative Property (+)
= 36 + (-32) 20 + 16 = 36
= 4 Subtract absolute values. Since 36 has the
greater absolute value, the sum is positive.

Point D is 4 feet higher than point A.

j. WEATHER The temperature is -3°F. An hour later, it drops 6° and
2 hours later, it rises 4°. Write an addition sentence to describe
this situation. Then find the sum and explain its meaning.

Commutative Properties
a + b = b + a
a · b = b · a
Associative Properties
a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
a · (b · c) = (a · b) · c
Identity Properties
a + 0 = a
a · 1 = a

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