7th Grade Math

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
94 Integers

and Apply

Use counters or a drawing to find each difference.

  1. 7 - 6 2. 5 - (-3) 3. 6 - (-3) 4. 5 - 8

    • 7 - (-2) 6. - 7 - 3 7. - 5 - (-7) 8. - 2 - 9

the Results

  1. Write two subtraction sentences where the difference is positive. Use a
    combination of positive and negative integers.

  2. Write two subtraction sentences where the difference is negative. Use a
    combination of positive and negative integers.

  3. E WRITE MATH Jake owes his sister $3. She decides to “take away” his
    debt. That is, he does not have to pay her back. Write a subtraction sentence
    for this situation. Explain why subtracting a negative integer is the same
    as adding.

Use counters to find each difference.

  • 6 - (-3)

Place 6 negative counters on the mat.

Remove 3 negative counters.

So, - 6 - (-3) = -3.

  • 5 - 1

Place 5 negative counters on the mat.

      • Remove 1 positive counter. However,
        there are 0 positive counters.

Add 1 zero pair to the mat.


Now you can remove 1 positive

counter. Find the remaining number
of counters.

So, - 5 - 1 = -6.

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