Any fraction can be written as a decimal by dividing its numerator by
its denominator. Division ends when the remainder is zero.
Use Division
Write _^38 as a decimal.
8 3.000 Divide 3 by 8.
(^) - 24
(^) - 56
(^) ____- 40
0 Division ends when the remainder is 0.
So, ^38 = 0.375.
Write - _ 401 as a decimal.
0.025 Divide 1 by 40.
40 1.000
- _____ 80
200 - __ 200
So, - _ 401 = -0.025.
Write each fraction or mixed number as a decimal.
d. - _^78 e. 2 _ 81 f. 7 _ 209
In Examples 1–4, the decimals 0.35, 5.75, 0.375, and -0.025 are called
terminating decimals. A terminating decimal is a decimal with digits
that end. Repeating decimals have a pattern in their digits that
repeats forever. Consider _^13.
3 1.000
The number 3 repeats.
The repetition of 3 is
represented by three dots.
(^) - 9
(^) - 9
(^) ____- 9
You can use bar notation to indicate that a number pattern repeats
indefinitely. A bar is written over only the digits that repeat.
0.33333... = 0.
3 0.121212... = 0.
12 11.3858585... = 11.3
Everyday Use
Terminate coming to an
end, as in terminate a
Math Use
Terminate a decimal
whose digits end
Lesson 1B Rational Numbers 129
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