636 Measurement and Proportional Reasoning
Convert 828.5 milliliters to cups. Round to the nearest hundredth
if necessary.
Since 1 cup ≈ 236.59 milliliters, multiply by _1 c
236.59 mL.
828.5 mL ≈ 828.5 mL ·_1 c
236.59 mL
Multiply by
_1 c
236.59 mL^ and divide out
common units.
≈_828.5 c236.59 or 3.5 c Simplify.
So, 828.5 milliliters is approximately 3.5 cups.
Complete. Round to the nearest hundredth if necessary.
a. 7.44 c ≈ mL b. 22.09 lb ≈ kg c. 35.85 L ≈ gal
Convert Between Systems
SWIMMING An Olympic-size swimming pool is 50 meters long.
About how many feet long is the pool?
Since 1 foot ≈ 0.30 meter, use the ratio _0.30 m1 ft.
50 m ≈ 50 m ·_0.30 m1 ft Multiply by _0.30 m1 ft.
≈ 50 m·_0.30 m1 ft Divide out common units, leaving the desired unit, feet.
≈_50 ft0.30 or 166.67 ft Divide.
An Olympic-size swimming pool is about 166.67 feet long.
d. POOLS An NCAA regulation-size swimming pool is 25 yards
long. About how many meters long is the pool?
Examples 1 and 2 Complete. Round to the nearest hundredth if necessary.
- 3.7 yd ≈ m 2. 11.07 pt ≈ mL 33 58.14 kg ≈ lb
- 3.75 c ≈ mL 5. 4.725 m ≈ ft 6. 680.4 g ≈ lb
Example 3 7. SPORTS About how many feet does a team of athletes run in a
1,600-meter relay race?
- FOOD Raheem bought 3 pounds of bananas. About how many kilograms
did he buy?
Real-World Link
The National Aquatics
Center, also called the
Water Cube, built for
the 2008 Olympics in
Beijing consists of more
than 100,000 square
meters (or 1.08 million
square feet) of plastic
foils and is the largest,
most complicated,
plastic-covered structure
in the world.
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