7th Grade Math

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
= Step-by-Step Solutions begin on page R1.
Extra Practice begins on page EP2.

  1. COOKIES Angelo places 4 chocolate chip
    cookies and 3 sugar cookies into each tin.
    He has used 24 chocolate chip cookies and
    18 sugar cookies. How many tins did
    Angelo make?

  2. ALGEBRA What are the next two numbers
    in the pattern?
    16, 32, 64, 128, 256, ,

99 ROLLER COASTERS The Jackrabbit roller
coaster can handle 1,056 passengers per
hour. The coaster has 8 vehicles. If each
vehicle carries 4 passengers, how many
runs are made in one hour?

  1. ANALYZE TABLES The table gives the
    average snowfall for Valdez, Alaska.

Month Snowfall (in.)
October 11.6
November 40.3
December 73.0
January 65.8
February 59.4
March 52.0
April 22.7

How many total inches of snowfall could
a resident of Valdez expect to receive from
October to April?

  1. HOMEWORK Angel has guitar practice at
    7:00 p.m. He has homework in math,
    science, and history that will take him
    30 minutes each to complete. He also has
    to allow 20 minutes for dinner. What is
    the latest time Angel can start his

  2. E WRITE MATH Write a real-world
    problem that could be solved by looking
    for a pattern. Then write the steps you
    would take to find the solution to your

Use the look for a pattern strategy to solve
Exercises 2–4.

  1. FINANCIAL LITERACY Latoya is saving
    money to buy a camera. After 1 month, she
    has $75. After 2 months, she has $120.
    After 3 months, she has $165. She plans to
    keep saving in this pattern. How long will
    it take Latoya to save enough money to
    buy a camera that costs $300?

  2. WORK The table shows the number of
    hours that Omar worked at his job.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
10 11.5 13 14.5

If the pattern continues, how many hours
will Omar work in Week 7?

  1. DISPLAYS Cans of soup are arranged in a
    triangular display. The top row has 1 can.
    The second row has 2 cans. The third row
    has 3 cans. The bottom row has 10 cans.
    How many total cans are there?

Use any strategy to solve Exercises 5–12.

  1. BRIDGES The total length of wire used in
    the cables supporting the Golden Gate
    Bridge in San Francisco is about 80,000
    miles. This is 5,300 miles longer than three
    times the distance around Earth at the
    equator. What is the distance around Earth
    at the equator?

  2. GEOMETRY What are the next two figures
    in the pattern?

  • Look for a pattern.

  • Choose an operation.

  • Draw a diagram.

Lesson 2A Patterns 43

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