7th Grade Math

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Integers and the Coordinate Plane


Lesson 1

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76 Integers

Absolute Value

SCUBA DIVING A scuba diver is diving at -130 feet. At the same time,
a hiker is at the top of a cliff 130 feet above the surface of the water.
Compare and contrast -130 feet and 130 feet.

What do you need to find? how -130 feet and 130 feet are the
same and how they are different

  • 130 f t

130 f t

Both the hiker and the diver are the same distance from the
surface of the water. The hiker is above and the diver is below.

the Results

  1. Write about a real-world situation with two values that can be
    represented by -10 and 10. Compare and contrast them.

  2. Refer to the street map

Main Street


Middle SchoolLocust Street Peggy LanePark Street

at the right. Compare
and contrast walking
from the house to the
school and walking from
the house to the park.

  1. E WRITE MATH Find the definition of absolute in a dictionary.
    Explain how the definition could be applied to math.

Main Idea
Use models to find the
absolute value of an

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