7th Grade Science Student ebook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

1.3 Graphs.


Suppose your graph has 12 boxes on each axis. Figure 1.11 shows
how you would create a scale for the x-axis. Figure 1.11 also shows
how you would create a scale y-axis of the graph for depth and

Step 3: plot your

Plot each point by finding the x-value and tracing the graph
upward until you get to the right y-value. Make a dot for each
point. Draw a smooth curve that shows the pattern of the points
(shown below).

Step 4: create a

Create a title for your graph. Also, be sure to label each axis and
show units (shown above).

Do you see a relationship between the variables? The next page
explains how to recognize relationships on a graph. Read the next
page, then see if you can explain what type of relationship is shown
in the graph above.

Figure 1.11: How to make a scale for
the x- and y-axes for the depth and
pressure data.
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