Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

can’t investigate. Recording and writing up an investigation is an integral part of the scientific

A step-by-step guide to the scientific method

  1. The question

Scientists are curious people, and most investigations arise from a scientist noticing some-
thing that they don’t understand. Therefore the first step to any scientific investigation is:

  • Ask a question to which you want to find an answer.

    • What is happening?

    • How is it happening?

    • When is it occurring?

    • Why is it happening?

  • Example: A farmer notices that his tomato plants that are shaded have smaller tomatoes
    than his plants that are in a sunny spot, which makes him wonder: ’Does the amount
    of sunlight a tomato plant receives affect the size of tomatoes?’

Chapter 1. Introduction to Life Sciences 7
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