Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Opening and closing of stomata: The opening and closing of the stomata is important for
gaseous exchange, transpiration and the movement of sugars. Stomata open when it is bright
and when there is high humidity. When water concentration in the soil is low, indicating
that the plant is try, chemical changes in the plant result in the closing of the stomata.

Figure 5.43: Confocal microscope image of guard cells and stoma. The red-staining region is chloro-

Activity: Examining leaf structure under a microscope


To identify different tissues found in plant leaf


Study the image shown and answer the questions given below.

Figure A Figure B

  1. Compare Figures A and B. Which of the numbered structures shown in B can you
    identify from Figure A?

Chapter 5. Plant and animal tissues 153
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