Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  • Cloning of plant tissues requires either a piece of the plant tissue through vegetative
    propagation or chemical treatment to produce calluses in tissue culture propagation.

  • Cloning of animal tissues occurs through the process of reproductive cloning. It can
    result in the replacement of a whole organism or, through therapeutic cloning the
    creation of stem cells.

  • There are broad legal and ethical questions regarding cloning of organisms as well as
    the use of stem cells. These differ from country to country.

The leaf as an organ

  • Plant leaf is an example of an organ, as it consists of a group of tissues that form part
    of a structural unit performing a common function.

  • Plant leaves are adapted to absorb light in order for photosynthesis to occur as well as
    to manufacture sugars for transport to the rest of the plant.

  • The major processes for which leaves are therefore adapted are photosynthesis, tran-
    spiration and gaseous exchange. Leaves transport oxygen, carbon dioxide, water and

  • Water is lost from the plant through transpiration out of stomata in the leaf. The move-
    ment of carbon dioxide and oxygen is through diffusion in and out of the leaf.

  • Sugar manufactured in the leaf is transported through the phloem vessel.

  • Stomata open and close in response to a variety of environmental stimuli.

Exercise 5 – 1: End of chapter exercises

  1. Answer the following questions based on the drawings below.

a) Provide labels for 1, 2, 3 and 4.
b) Which tissue, A or B, is found in the rib cage?
c) Which tissue, A or B, is found in the lining of blood vessels?

  1. Tissues come together to form a/an
    a) organ
    b) organ system
    c) body system
    d) organelle

  2. What kind of tissue can parenchyma tissue be described as being?
    a) simple tissue
    b) complex tissue
    c) xylem
    d) phloem

Chapter 5. Plant and animal tissues 155
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