Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Figure 6.18: Transpiration vs humidity.


When water is lost from the leaf it forms a thin layer outside the leaf. This reduces the water
potential between the leaf and the atmosphere outside. Thus when there is wind, this layer
is blown away, thus maintaining the water potential gradient across the leaf.

Figure 6.19: Wind speed vs transpiration.

Measuring the rate of transpiration DUMMY

To measure the rate of transpiration we use a piece of equipment called apotometer.A po-
tometer measures how factors such as light, temperature, humidity, light intensity and wind
will affect the rate of transpiration. The main type of potometer is the ’bubble’ potometer
shown in Figure 6.20. The potometer can measure the amount of water lost from a leafy
shoot by monitoring the following variables:

  • the change in the mass of the leaf shoot.

  • the rate that the air bubble moves along the narrow tube as the leafy shoot sucks up
    water to replace the water lost by the transpiration of the plant.

As the leafy twig transpires, the air bubble moves to the left. The quicker the air bubble
moves, the faster the leafy twig is transpiring.

172 6.3. Transpiration

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