Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Figure 6.20: Potometer measures the rate of transpiration.

Investigation: Determining the effect of environmental conditions on transpiration rate
using a potometer


To determine the effect of environmental conditions on transpiration rate (using a simple


  • a drinking straw

  • a soft green leafy shoot

  • Vaseline

  • Marking pen

  • Play dough / putti/prestix

  • Plastic bag

  • Elastic band

  • Ruler


A potometer measures the rate of transpiration by measuring the movement of water into a
plant. The following experiment uses a simple hand made potometer.

Learners can be divided into four groups as each group will investigate a different factor and
then all the results can be shared at the end of the investigation.

Perform the following steps under water:

Chapter 6. Support and transport systems in plants 173
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