Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Write down anything you observed about the plants, the plastic bags and the rate of water
loss from the plant.


What can you conclude regarding the rate of transpiration at different light intensities? Was
there higher or lower water loss when you left the plant overnight compared to when you
monitored it throughout the day?


How can you improve this experiment to determine the effects of different light intensities
on transpiration?

In this experiment what are the key variables we are controlling for? Have we properly
controlled for these?

Further tasks

  • If you have a microscope, dissect the leaf surfaces before and after the experiment to
    see how the stomata have changed.

  • Do this experiment with a variety of species in order to determine how transpiration
    changes across species.

  • Calculate the average leaf surface area of all the leaves on a single plant. Work out
    the average amount of water loss per leaf surface area for the experiment you have just

Advantages of transpiration Disadvantages of transpiration
Cools the plant down Excessive water loss causes the plant to
Assists in the transport of water from the
Important for transport of water through
the xylem
Regulates the concentration of cell sap
Distribution of salts and minerals in the

Table 6.1: Table comparing the advantages and disadvantages of transpiration

Structural adaptations of plants to reduce rate of transpiration DUMMY

When the rate of transpiration is too high, it can have detrimental effects on the plant, as you
will see in the next section on wilting and guttation. For this reason, plants have developed
structural adaptations to minimise the amount of water loss.

  • Position of stomata:Stomata are found on both surfaces of the leaf but there are usually

176 6.3. Transpiration

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