Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
variables that were tested. If your original hypothesis does not match up with the final results
of your experiment, do not change the hypothesis. Instead, try and explain what might have
been wrong with your original hypothesis. What information did you not have originally that
cause you to be wrong in your prediction.

  • Example: after conducting your experiment you may have found that tomato plants that
    received more sunlight grew larger than tomato plants grown in the shade or without
    light. Therefore you might conclude your investigation with the following:

    • It was clear that tomato plants form bigger tomatoes when they are exposed to
      bright sunlight. The original hypothesis was supported.

Important principles and relationships in Life Sciences DUMMY

Surface area and volume

Depending on the system it is advantageous to either have a large surface to volume ratio or
a small surface to volume ratio

This is highlighted in the following examples:

  • Flatworms and leeches have more surface area to volume to increase the area for
    diffusion for nutrients and respiratory gases across their whole bodies.

  • In animals the shapes of organs are defined by surface area to volume requirements.
    For example, in the lungs there are many branches to increase the surface area through
    which gases can be exchanged.

  • Cells with a greater volume compared to surface area are able to metabolise more and
    ingest and excrete more through the membrane.

Structure and function

In living organisms, the structure of a particular biological feature is related to what function
it performs. Thus for all the structures you will study in Life Sciences, the important questions
to ask are the following:

  1. What makes this structure suited to its function?

  2. How has the structure adapted to its function?

  3. Why is this structure so efficient for its function?

1.5 Biological drawings and diagrams

Drawings and diagrams are an essential part of communication in science, and especially
Life Sciences. Remember it is not an artwork or sketch! But rather it is a clear representation
of what you observe which can be used to interpret what you saw.

Some rules to follow

Drawings and diagrams must:

12 1.5. Biological drawings and diagrams

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