Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Investigation: Optional Investigation: Investigating organic and inorganic components
of bones


Experiment A: Remove the inorganic component of bone in order to investigate the organic

Experiment B: Remove the organic component of bone in order to observe the properties of
the inorganic component


Bunsen burner and methylated spirits: Wear safety goggles and no loose fitting clothes. Do
not wear synthetic clothes that easily catch fire (cotton and wool clothes are preferable).

Hydrochloric acid: Wear closed shoes, safety goggles, a lab coat and gloves.


Experiment A

  • 2 small chicken bones

  • 2 test tubes

  • dilute hydrochloric acid/white vinegar

Experiment B

  • towel

  • 1 small chicken bone

  • pipe clay triangle or wire gauze on a tripod stand

  • bunsen burner or Methylated spirits burner


Experiment A

  1. Label 2 test tubes with your initials and A and B. Put a bone in each tube.

  2. Cover Bone A with water and Bone B with dilute hydrochloric acid. Leave for a few
    days. The acid will dissolve out the mineral component of the bone leaving behind
    the organic part.

  3. Take out Bone A and dry it.

  4. Use tweezers to take Bone B out of the acid. Rinse it under the tap and dry it.

  5. Compare the two bones and not down how they appear and whether they are soft or
    hard, flexible or brittle.

Experiment B

  1. Place the chicken bone (Bone C) on a pipe triangle or wire gauze on a tripod stand.

206 7.3. Human skeleton

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