Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


The Fynbos
approximately 75%
of South Africa’s
rare and threatened

Project: Poster project to illustrate the role players in a tree ecosystem

Bring pictures of animals, trees and other plants to class. The teacher will divide the class
into groups.

Each group will prepare a poster to illustrate the mutual dependence of the trees, other plants
and animals. Each group must present their poster to the rest of the class.

Answer the following questions / follow the instructions arising from the class discussion:


  1. Supposing the tree on your poster was to fall over.

1.1 Which organisms would die?

1.2 Which organisms would move away?

1.3 Which organisms would increase in number?

  1. Describe the role played by trees in an ecosystem.

  2. Ecologically speaking, why is it bad practice to rake up leaves under trees?

  3. Name three more examples where humans harm ecosystems.

  4. Identify components of the ecosystem, including each trophic level. Represent this in the
    form of a diagram.


  • Location: fynbos is the natural shrub found in the Western Cape of South Africa.

  • Climate: characterised by cold, wet winters and hot, dry summers (Mediterranean
    climate conditions).

  • Soil and geography: poor, acid and coarse-grained soil.

  • Flora: fynbos is widely known for its widespread biodiversity. Important plant types
    found in the fynbos include proteas, ’silver trees’ and ’pincushions’. Plants growing
    here do not lose their leaves. Proteas have striking flowers. It has the highest fynbos
    variety in the world, with over 9000 species of fynbos found here.

  • Fauna: fynbos is home to many bird species, insects and small mammals.

264 9.3. Biomes
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