Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  • Aregion in the biome of your choice, including cities and/or towns worth a visit

  • Climate (of interest to tourists)

  • Well-known geographical features in the region

  • Mention of some interesting wildlife (i.e. birds, animals, plants) that may be seen

  • Pictures

  • Tour dates

  • The name of the travel agency, with contact information


Thefollowing activity is to be done in groups offour


  1. Brainstorm a suitable set of criteria for assessment for poster and verbal report

  2. Selectonebiome from the list given and do the following:

  3. Use suitable references to obtain as much information as possible on the plant and
    animals found in your selected biome.

  4. Make notes about the climate, landscape, stating how some of these are adapted to
    their environment.

  5. Designan attractive poster to illustrate the landscape as well as the dominant plants
    and animals that make up a food chain.

  6. Displayyour poster on the classroom wall and each person of the group is to give a
    verbal presentation on an aspect of the biome you studied.

9.4 Environment

Theenvironment refers to everything that surrounds us, including the place where we live.
We usually use the term ”environment” to refer to the physical aspects of our surroundings,
which may be living (biotic) or non-living (abiotic). This means that if you live in a city, the
environment consists of the buildings, roads and other infrastructure, while if you live on a
farm, your environment consists of you pastures, farm house, pastures etc.

Although an environment consists of non-living and living things, the term environment the
term ’environment” really just describes one’s surroundings, but does not really define the
relationships, connectedness or dynamic nature of those surroundings. To study how the
living and non-living parts of the environment depend on and are influenced on each other,
we need to understand a different concept- the ecosystem.

268 9.4. Environment

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