Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
will study the effect of the enzyme catalase on the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide. You
will further examine the effect of pH and temperature on enzyme activity.

Investigation: Investigating the effect of catalase from chicken liver on hydrogen perox-


To demonstrate the effect of catalase on hydrogen peroxide


  • 10 ml measuring cylinders

  • pipette

  • 3% Hydrogen peroxide solution

  • scalpel

  • forceps

  • balance

  • chicken liver at room temperature

  • boiled chicken liver

  • frozen chicken liver

  • stirring rod


Follow the instructions below:

  • Cut two square pieces weighing 0.1 g from the fresh liver sample and place each in a
    separate 10 ml measuring cylinder.

  • Use a clean measuring cylinder to measure 3 ml water. Pour into one of the fresh
    liver-containing cylinders. This is your negative control.

  • Use a clean measuring cylinder to measure 3 ml hydrogen peroxide. Pour into the
    remaining fresh liver-containing cylinder. This is your positive control.

  • Wait for four minutes and then measure and record the height of the resulting oxygen
    bubbles in each cylinder.


  1. Name the three variables that must remain stable throughout these experiments and
    explain why they must be kept stable.

  2. What kind of reaction is taking place?

  3. How could you make this experiment more accurate?

  4. In addition to temperature, what other factors influence the rate of reaction?

46 2.4. Organic compounds

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