Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Vitamin Role Food sources Deficiency
Vitamin A Needed for proper functioning
of eyes

liver, carrots, egg night blindness

Vitamin B (A
group of vitamins
with related

Carbohydrate, protein, lipid,
nucleic acid and alcohol
metabolism; neurotransmitter
synthesis and nerve function;
red blood cell production

grains, potatoes,

B1- beriberi, B3-
pellagra, B6, B9,
B12- anaemia

Vitamin C Combines with key enzymes in
metabolic reactions

citrus fruit
(oranges, lemons

scurvy (results in
bleeding gums)

Vitamin D Metabolites important in
absorption of minerals from the
gut (such as calcium and

sunshine rickets (resulting
in soft bones,
with bowed legs
and widened
Vitamin E Acts as an anti-oxidant margarine,
soybean oil,
fortified cereals,
condensed cow’s
milk, cheese,
orange juice

immune system,
anaemia, poor
nerve conduction

Figure 2.23: Sources of essentials vitamins.

Chapter 2. The chemistry of life 49
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