Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


WARNING:if using
a mirror for
illumination instead
of a light bulb,
never reflect direct
sunlight as you
could damage your

  1. You can readjust the light source and diaphragm for the clearest image.

  2. When changing to the next objective lens use the fine adjustment screw to focus the
    image.WARNING: Never use the coarse adjustment screw for the strongest objec-
    tive lens.

  3. Do not touch the glass part of the lenses with your fingers.

  4. When finished, move the stage and objective as far away from each other as possible
    and remove the slide.

  5. Disconnect the power source and cover the microscope.

  6. Carry the microscope by holding it firmly by the ”arm” and ”base” and when walking
    it should be near your chest.


Remember that microscopes are expensive scientific equipment and need to be handled
with care to prevent damaging them. Proper lens paper should be used when cleaning dust
or dirt off any lenses. Avoid getting moisture on the objective lenses. Dust and moisture are
the biggest enemies of microscopes.

Differences between the light microscope and transmission electron microscope

Property Light Microscope Transmission Electron
Source Light Beam of electrons
Resolution(how far apart
two objects must be in order
to be distinguished as

Under optimal conditions
(clean lenses, oil immersion),
the resolution is 0,2
micrometres or 2 thousands
of a millimetre

Resolution of a transmission
electron microscope is about
0,05 nanometres (nm) which
is about 0,5 millionth of a
millimetre. This means that a
transmission electron
microscope has about
10 000 times the resolving
power of a light instrument
Material(alive/ dead) Alive or dead. Bright field or
phase contrast microscopes
enable viewer to observe
living cells. Specimens need
to be stained.

Dead. Electron microscope
images are produced by
passing an electron beam
through tissues stained with
heavy metals.

Example of microscope
image Bacterial spores as seen
under light microscope.

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii,
a single celled green algae,
as seen under the
transmission electron

66 3.2. Molecular make up of cells
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