Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Figure 3.34: Cheek epithelial cells.

Project: Cell organelles

You are required to compile a report on one of the organelles you have studied in class, or
any other organelle you choose. Your report must include the following information.

  • Past

    • The discovery of the organelle

    • All past understanding of the organelles structure and/or function that has now

    • The importance of the discovery of the organelle to cell science

  • – The presently understood structure and function of the organelle

    • A 2-dimensional picture of the organelle showing all the relevant structures of the

    • An electron-microscope picture of the organelle showing the structure of the or-

    • An understanding of the importance of the organelle to human survival

  • Future

    • What remains to be discovered or fully understood?

    • Any important role of the organelle could potentially play with the development
      of future technology (i.e. in industry or medicine).

  • Any other additional information or interesting facts you wish to include.

90 3.4. Cell organelles

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