Everything Maths Grade 11

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1




-390-420 -210-240-270-300-330-360 -30-60-90-120-150-180 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330360 390 420

Figure 17.6: The graphof f(θ) = tan(θ + 30◦) (solid lines) and the graph of g(θ) = tan(θ) (dotted

Exercise 17 - 6

On the same set of axes, plot the following graphs:

  1. a(θ) = tan(θ− 90 ◦)

  2. b(θ) = tan(θ− 60 ◦)

  3. c(θ) = tan θ

  4. d(θ) = tan(θ + 60◦)

  5. e(θ) = tan(θ + 180◦)

Use your results to deduce the effect of p.

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(1.) 0143

You should have foundthat the value of p once again affects the y-intercept and phase shift of the
graph. There is a horizontal shift to the left if p is positive and to the right if p is negative.

These different properties are summarised in Table 17.6.

Table 17.6: Table summarising general shapes and positions of graphs of functions of the form y =
tan(θ + p). The curve y = tan(θ) is plotted with a dottedline.
k > 0 k < 0

Domain and Range

For f(θ) = tan(θ+p), the domain for one branch is{θ : θ∈ (− 90 ◦−p;90◦−p} because the function
is undefined for θ =− 90 ◦− p and θ = 90◦− p.

The range of f(θ) = tan(θ + p) is{f(θ) : f(θ)∈ (−∞;∞)}.

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