Everything Maths Grade 11

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Score (percent) Time spent studying (minutes)
67 100
55 85
70 150
90 180
45 70
75 160
50 80
60 90
84 110
30 60
66 96
96 200

(a) Draw a diagram labelling horizontal and vertical axes.
(b) State with reasons, the cause or independent variable and the effector dependent variable.
(c) Plot the data pairs
(d) What do you observe about the plot?
(e) Is there any pattern emerging?

  1. The rankings of eighttennis players is given along with the time theyspend practising.

Practise time (min) Ranking
154 5
390 1
130 6
70 8
240 3
280 2
175 4
103 7

(a) Construct a scatter plot and explain how youchose the dependent (cause) and independent
(effect) variables.
(b) What pattern or trend do you observe?

  1. Eight children’s sweet consumption and sleep habits were recorded. The data is given in the
    following table.

Number of sweets (per week) Average sleeping time (per day)
15 4
12 4. 5
5 8
3 8. 5
18 3
23 2
11 5
4 8

(a) What is the dependent (cause) variable?
(b) What is the independent (effect) variable?
(c) Construct a scatter plot of the data.
(d) What trend do you observe?

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(1.) 015s (2.) 015t (3.) 015u

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