Everything Maths Grade 11

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Everything Maths

Mathematics is commonly thought of as being about numbers but mathematics is actually a language!

Mathematics is the language that nature speaksto us in. As we learn tounderstand and speak this lan-

guage, we can discovermany of nature’s secrets. Just as understanding someone’s language is necessary

to learn more about them, mathematics is required to learn about all aspects of the world – whether it

is physical sciences, lifesciences or even financeand economics.

The great writers and poets of the world have theability to draw on wordsand put them together inways

that can tell beautiful orinspiring stories. In a similar way, one can draw on mathematics to explain and

create new things. Manyof the modern technologies that have enriched our lives are greatly dependent

on mathematics. DVDs, Google searches, bankcards with PIN numbersare just some examples.And

just as words were not created specifically to tella story but their existence enabled stories to be told, so

the mathematics used tocreate these technologies was not developed forits own sake, but was available

to be drawn on when the time for its applicationwas right.

There is in fact not an area of life that is not affected by mathematics. Many of the most sought after

careers depend on the use of mathematics. Civil engineers use mathematics to determine howto best

design new structures; economists use mathematics to describe and predict how the economy will react

to certain changes; investors use mathematics to price certain types ofshares or calculate howrisky

particular investments are; software developersuse mathematics for many of the algorithms (such as

Google searches and data security) that make programmes useful.

But, even in our dailylives mathematics is everywhere – in our useof distance, time and money.

Mathematics is even present in art, design and music as it informs proportions and musical tones. The

greater our ability to understand mathematics, thegreater our ability to appreciate beauty and everything

in nature. Far from being just a cold and abstract discipline, mathematics embodies logic, symmetry,

harmony and technological progress. More than any other language, mathematics is everywhere and

universal in its application.

See introductory video by Dr. Mark Horner: VMiwd at http://www.everythingmaths.co.za

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