Everything Maths Grade 12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


is undefined for some angles θ. Thus the identity is also undefined for these θ,
and hence is not valid for these angles. Also, forsome θ, we might have division
by zero in the LHS, which is not allowed. Thusthe identity won’t holdfor these
angles also.

Step 2 : Execute the strategy


sinθ + 2 sinθ cosθ
1 + cosθ + (2 cos^2 θ− 1)

sinθ(1 + 2 cosθ)
cosθ(1 + 2 cosθ)


= tanθ

We know that tanθ is undefined when θ = 90◦+ 180◦n, where n is an integer.
The LHS is undefined when 1 + cosθ + cos 2θ = 0. Thus we need to solvethis

1 + cosθ + cos 2θ = 0
=⇒ cosθ(1 + 2 cosθ) = 0

The above has solutionswhen cosθ = 0, which occurs when θ = 90◦+ 180◦n,
where n is an integer. These are the same values when tanθ is undefined. It
also has solutions when 1 + 2 cosθ = 0. This is true when cosθ =−^12 , and thus
θ = ...− 240 ◦,− 120 ◦, 120 ◦, 240 ◦,.... To summarise, the identity is not valid
when θ = ...− 270 ◦;− 240 ◦;− 120 ◦;− 90 ◦; 90◦; 120◦; 240◦; 270◦;...

Example 4: Trigonometric Equations


Solve the following equation for y without using a calculator:
1 − siny− cos 2y
sin 2y− cosy

=− 1


Step 1 : Identify a strategy
Before we are able to solve the equation, we first need to simplify the left-hand
side. We do this by using the double-angle formulae.

Step 2 : Execute the strategy
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