Cracking the SAT Chemistry Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

symbolized that way— . The 4 represents the mass number, and the 2
represents the atomic number (number of protons).

To  sum up  alpha   decay:

•           An  alpha   particle    is  emitted.

•           The atomic  number  decreases   by  2;  the mass    number  decreases
by 4.

Radioactive Decay Type 2: Beta Decay

Sometimes a nucleus becomes more stable through beta decay, in which it
reduces its neutron-to-proton ratio by taking a neutron and turning it into a
proton. In these cases, the atomic number goes up by 1, since there’s an extra
proton, but the mass number remains the same. (It lost a neutron, but it gained a
proton, so there is no net change in the mass number.) When an atom undergoes
beta decay, it emits a beta particle; a beta particle is identical to an electron and

is symbolized as .

To  sum up  beta    decay:

•           A   neutron is  converted   to  a   proton.

•           A   beta    particle    (an electron)   is  emitted.

•           The atomic  number  increases   by  1,  but the mass    number  stays
the same.

Radioactive Decay Type 3: Positron Emission (Positive Beta


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