Cracking the SAT Chemistry Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Since all of these differ by more than 1 H+, they do NOT qualify as conjugate

Now, the member of a conjugate pair that has an extra H+ is called the conjugate
acid, and the member that has one fewer H+ is the conjugate base.

A word of caution: Just because a molecule is called conjugate acid or base
does not mean it’s actually acidic or basic in solution.

For example, given the conjugate pair


we see that by definition, hydroxide is the conjugate acid of the pair, but of
course, OH− is actually a base in solution.

Calculating Equilibrium Constants (K) for Weak Conjugate

Acid/Base Pairs

Keep in mind that weak acids and bases do not completely ionize in aqueous
solution. There is a measurable equilibrium, called the ionic equilibrium,
between the weak acid and its conjugate base (or between the weak base and its
conjugate acid). Here’s a derivation that is pretty important to look through
before test day. If you take any conjugate pair of a weak acid and weak base,
such as NH 4 + and NH 3 , writing out the balanced dissociation reactions in water

for each gives the following:

For NH 4 +(aq): NH 4 +(aq)      H+(aq)  +   NH 3 (aq)

For NH 3 (aq): NH 3 (aq) + H 2 O(l) NH 4 +(aq) + OH−(aq)

Then, writing out the equilibrium expressions for each gives

For NH 4 +(aq): pKaNH 4 +   =   [NH 3 ][H+]/[NH 4 +]
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