Cracking the SAT Chemistry Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


In each of the three sections of the SAT Chemistry Subject Test, the easier
questions tend to come first and the harder ones come later. When you begin
each section, answer as many of the “easy” questions as you can, but when they
start to become more difficult, go on to the next section and do the same. Once
you’ve answered all of the relatively easy questions in all the sections, go back
to each section and start answering the more difficult ones.

This strategy makes sense because all questions are worth the same amount;
answering a hard question correctly won’t get you more points than answering
an easy one correctly. If there’s a chance that you might not be able to get to
every question on the exam in the 60 minutes you’re given, make sure you at
least answer the ones you’re sure to get right, first!

You don’t need to answer every question to get a good score on the SAT
Chemistry Subject Test. It’s possible to leave 30 questions blank and still score
near 600 if you do well on the questions you do answer.

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