Cracking the SAT Chemistry Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


As we told you in the last chapter, in calculating your “raw score” (from which it
then calculates your scaled score), ETS does the following:

  1.      Gives   you one point   for each    question    you answer  correctly

  2. Deducts of a point for each question you answer incorrectly

  3. Doesn’t count questions you didn’t answer

Because ETS deducts one-quarter of a point for any question you answer
incorrectly, you should definitely guess the answer to any question for which
you can eliminate at least one of the five answer choices. If you can eliminate
one answer choice and then take a guess, then you will have a one-in-four
chance of choosing the correct answer. If you can eliminate two answer choices,
your odds of choosing correctly go to one-in-three.

As you read Chapters 3 through 14 , you’ll see that all of our techniques and
strategies teach you to eliminate wrong choices. After you’ve done that, use
guessing to your advantage.

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