Cracking the SAT Chemistry Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
pH  less    than    7   with:   acid

pH  greater than    7   with:   base

You’d be able to answer a test question that looked like this:

  1. Which of the following solutions is most acidic?
    (A) A solution of phosphoric acid at pH 4
    (B) A solution of sodium hydroxide at pH 11
    (C) A solution of hydrochloric acid at pH 5
    (D) A solution of acetic acid at pH 6
    (E) A solution of aqueous ammonia at pH 9

Whatever else you know about acids and bases, you know that choice A is right
because, among the listed solutions, it has the lowest pH.

Throughout our teaching of SAT Chemistry, we will show you what associations
to make, how to make them, and how they will point you to the right answers on
test day.

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