Cracking the SAT Chemistry Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



Drill 1

  1. B Remember that the group 2A elements are alkaline earth metals.
    Calcium (Ca) is in this family, so (B) is correct.

  2. D Metals bond by losing valence electrons, so eliminate A, B, and C.
    This leaves us with fluorine and neon.
    They’re both nonmetals; however, neon is a noble gas,
    so it generally does not form bonds. Fluorine does. (D)
    is the answer.

  3. A The first ionization of an element refers to the amount of energy
    needed to remove one electron from an atom. The second ionization energy
    refers to the removal of a second electron. What kind of electrons are
    hardest to remove from an atom? Inner shell electrons. So the correct
    answer should be an element whose atoms have only 1 valence electron.
    Why? Because removing a second electron from such an atom would
    involve removing an inner shell electron and thus take an enormous amount
    of energy. So which of the choices has atoms with 1 valence electron?
    Think group 1A elements. Sodium is one of those, and (A) is correct.

  4. T, T, CE

Time    to  divide  and conquer.    Is  the first   statement   true    or
false? It’s true. What about statement II? It’s also true.
Inner shell electrons are held more closely to the
positive nucleus than valence electrons; inner shell
electrons are held too strongly to be useful in bonding.
Let’s see if the whole sentence makes sense: “Only an
atom’s valence electrons can participate in bonding
because an atom’s inner shell electrons are held too
tightly to be shared or transferred.” It certainly does, so
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