Cracking the SAT Chemistry Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


We saved the best for last! Process of Elimination (or POE) is the most
important strategy you have for the SAT Chemistry Subject Test. It involves
deciding what the bad answers are and crossing them off, instead of just looking
for the right answer. Here’s how it works.

Try the following question:

    1.  What    is  the French  word    for “eggplant”?

What? You don’t know? Well then, you’d better guess at random. (By the way,
there are no questions about vegetables, French or otherwise, on the SAT
Chemistry Subject Test. We’re just using this question to make a point.)

If you really don’t know the answer to a question, of course, you should always
guess. But before you choose an answer at random, take a look at the problem
the way you would see it on the test.

    1.  What    is  the French  word    for “eggplant?”



(C) Aubergine


(E) $&%()@@

Suddenly the question looks a lot easier, doesn’t it? You may not have known the
correct answer to this question, but you certainly knew four answers that were

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