Cracking the SAT Chemistry Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

specific question types.

Letter of the Day

Which makes more sense—guessing the same letter every time or switching
around? If you think you’re better off switching around, think again. As
counterintuitive as it may seem, you will pick up more points consistently if you
always guess the same letter. Sure, you won’t get all of your random guesses
correct, but you’ll get some points. On the contrary, if you vary your guess
answer, you might get some correct, but you might miss all of them just as

It doesn’t matter what letter you pick as your Letter of the Day. Contrary to
popular opinion, you won’t get more questions right if you guess (C) rather than
any other choice. Go crazy, guess (A) or (F) on the next test you take. Just be

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