Grades 3-5 Math Problem Solving in Action_ Getting Students to Love Word Problems

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Math Literature Problem-Solving Circles ◆ 141


This person is in charge of planning the problem out loud with the others.
They do not do it in isolation but rather lead the discussion about what
models and which strategies to use. This person should have a “strategist
booklet” where they can reference various models and strategies to choose
from. The planner/strategist has to be a good listener and facilitator of
the discussion so that everyone’s ideas are heard and considered in the
discussion. They do make the final decision though.


This person is in charge of doing the actual modeling. They can use con-
crete, pictorial or abstract models. For example, they might model with
fraction strips and then draw a model of that or glue paper strips on to
the problem. They are responsible for modeling one way and checking
another. Sometimes, they work in collaboration with the equation maker
because an equation is a model. The modeler needs to make sure that the
equation matches the model.


The double-double-checker is responsible for checking the math and the
answer. The double-checker is responsible for leading the discussion with
the group around the accuracy of the calculations and the accuracy of the
answer. This person actually needs to go back and reread the question to
the group and then the answer to see if it all makes sense.

Class Presentation

After students have gone through this process, they must present their
problem to the class. Sometimes this is done verbally and at other times
this is done through a gallery walk where everybody goes around with
Post-it® notes and comments on the different work they see. Of course,
students should have a criteria list so they can give specific

Four Square Problem Solving

Another opportunity to do group problem solving is to have the students
do a progressive problem (see Figure 9.1). In this type of problem, the
teacher gives the students a word problem and four different colored pens.

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