Is the number divisible by 10? Write yesor no.
- 930 32. 749 33. 6820 34. 5000 35. 8304
- 1006 37. 4673 38. 52,651 39. 66,830 40. 90,060
- 230,705 42. 562,840 43. 1,425,070 44. 1,099,801
Is the number divisible by 3? Write yesor no.
- 72 46. 54 47. 253 48. 534 49. 312
- 932 51. 210 52. 842 53. 1065 54. 4906
- 12,774 56. 20,621 57. 37,596 58. 64,374
- Explain in your own words when a number is divisible
by 10 and when it is divisible by 3. Write a 2-digit, a
3-digit, and a 4-digit number that support each rule.
Copy and complete the table.
- 60 88 75 600 494 750 2313 1026 8750
yes????? no??
yes? yes??????
??? yes? ????
yes?? yes? ????
Divisible by
A number is divisible by 6 if it is divisible by both 2 and 3.
A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 9.
Copy and complete the table.
61.^89114286570 9822 12,834 36,459
??yes ???
Divisible by
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