Numeration II
Compare Whole Numbers
.means “is greater than” ,means “is less than”
5 means “is equal to”
To compare numbers:
Align the digits 6453
by place value. 6459
Start at the left. Compare 6453
6 6
the digits in the greatest place. 6459
If these digits are the same, 6453
4 4
compare the next digits. 6459
Keep comparing digits until 6453 5 5
you find two digits that 64599 3
are notthe same.
So 645 9 6453. Yo u could also say 6453 6459.
Study this example.
423 2423
0 2 So 423 2423 or 2423 423.
Compare. Write ,, 5 , or ..
- 57 57 2. 65 62 3. 48 56 4. 82 28
- 325 523 6. 649 841 7. 127 134 8. 525 522
- 6241 9246 10. 7983 7983 11. 9015 9012
- 2704 2714? 13. 8619 8617? 14. 1844 1846?
There are no
thousands in 423.
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