Grade 4 - Progress in Mathematics

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Compare. Write ,, , or ..
You may make a table or compute.

  1. 2 L 200 mL 14. 5 L 6000 mL 15. 8 L 8000 mL

  2. 15 L 1500 mL 17. 4000 mL 3 L 18. 9000 mL 10 L

Write in order from the least amount to the
greatest amount.

  1. 4 L, 40 mL, 400 mL, 4 mL 20. 200 L, 20 mL, 20 L, 2 mL

  2. 38 L, 380 mL, 380 L, 138 L 22. 24 L, 2400 mL, 240 mL, 240 L

  3. Mr. Wood’s van can travel 24. Mrs. Wood’s water jug holds 4 L
    5 km on 1 L of gasoline. How of water. It has 500 mL of water
    much gasoline does the van in it now. How much more water
    use to travel 50 kilometers? is needed to fill the jug?

  4. Ellen and Allen both carry 26. The Woods began their trip
    small canteens. Each canteen with 75 L of gasoline in their
    holds 750 mL of water. How gas tank. They used 68 L
    much water, in liters, do they of gasoline. How much
    need to fill both canteens? gasoline was left in the tank?

  5. Ellen filled her 750-mL canteen four times in one day.
    How many liters of water did she use?

  6. Which would most likely be 29. Ty’s thermos holds 2 L. How
    measured in milliliters? many milliliters does it hold?
    A a full bathtub
    B a teaspoon of honey
    C a carton of milk F 2 mL G 20 mL
    D a bucket of water H 200 mL J 2000 mL







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