Grade 4 - Progress in Mathematics

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Study the graph and think about the data it shows.

Look again at the data in the graph. Is it reasonable
that four bakeries would have sold the number
of pies shown in the graph? Ye s.

Visualize yourself in the problem as you
reread it. Focus on the facts and questions.
Fact: The graph is a bar graph with four bars.
Question: Which choice is the best title for the graph?

Jeffrey created the graph at the
right. Which of the following could
be the title of the graph?
a. Number of students in the
4th grade
b. Number of cars washed at two fairs
c. Number of sides in a rectangle, a
triangle, a square, and a pentagon
d. Number of pies sold by four bakeries

Problem-Solving Strategy:

Use a Diagram/Graph


Compare each choice to the data in the graph.

  • Choice A only refers to one grade. There are four bars
    in the graph, so Choice A is not correct.

  • Choice B refers to two fairs. There are more than two bars
    in the graph, so Choice B is not correct.

  • Choice C is about polygons with no more than 5 sides,
    which does not match the data in the graph. So Choice C
    is not correct.

  • Choice D refers to four bakeries. There are four bars in the
    graph, so Choice D is the best choice.




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