Grade 4 - Progress in Mathematics

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Measurement I

Customary Units of Length
The inch (in.) is a customary unit of length.
A quarter is about 1 inch wide.
Yo u can use a quarter as a
benchmark for 1 inch.

12 inches (in.)1 foot (ft)
3 feet (ft)1 yard (yd)
36 inches (in.)1 yard (yd)

Write the letter of the best estimate.

  1. length of a paintbrush a. 9 ft b. 9 yd c. 9 in.

  2. length of a bus a. 40 in. b. 40 ft c. 40 yd

  3. height of a wall a. 3 in. b. 3 yd c. 3 ft

A license plate is about 1 foot long. A door is about 1 yard wide.

1 ft 1 yd

A benchmark is an object
of known measure that
can be used to estimate
the measure of other objects.

The foot (ft) and the yard (yd)
are also customary units of length.

1 in.

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