Estimate with Decimals
Rounding is one way to estimate
decimal sums and differences.
To estimate sums or differences with decimals:
Round the decimals to the greatest nonzero
place of the lesser number.
Then add or subtract.
Estimate: 123.6 8.43 Estimate: 78.61 0.45
123 .6 124 78. 61 78.6
8 .43 8 0. 45 0.5
about 132 about78.1
Study these examples.
0. 92 0.9 4. 7 4.7 8 .8 9
0. 37 0.4 0. 18 0.2 5 .1 5
about1.3 about4.5 about 14
Round to estimate the sum or the difference. Watch the signs.
- 5.9 2. 9.7 3. 8.75 4. 9.38 5. 4.91
3.2 4.6 1.17 6.04 6.73 - 42.3 7. 38.5 8. 56.2 9. 27.8 10. 85.43
6.7 5.8 4.84 6.65 1.7 - 0.85 12. 10.3 13. 62.77 14. 48.5 15. 26.21
0.63 0.81 9.84 0.69 0.59 - 74.36 17. 62 18. 49.95 19. 405.5 20. 380.4
18 7.8 5.2 5.76 2.35 - 4.5 39.03 22. 17.03 1.5 23. 47 6.62
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