Everything Maths Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Worked example 17: Solving linear inequalities


Solve forr:
6 r > 2

Represent the answer on a number line and in interval notation.


Step 1: Rearrange and solve forr

r > 2  6
r > 4

Step 2: Multiply by1 and reverse inequality sign

r < 4

Step 3: Represent the answer on a number line

0 1 2 3 4 5

r< 4

Step 4: Represent the answer in interval notation

(1; 4)

Worked example 18: Solving linear inequalities


Solve forq:

4 q+ 3<2(q+ 3)

Represent the answer on a number line and in interval notation.


Step 1: Expand the bracket

4 q+ 3<2(q+ 3)
4 q+ 3< 2 q+ 6

98 4.7. Solving linear inequalities
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