Everything Maths Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
a < 0 a > 0

q > 0

q= 0

q < 0

Table 6.2:The effect ofaandqon a parabola.


You can use thisPhet simulationto help you see the effects of changingaandqfor a parabola.

Discovering the characteristics EMA4M

The standard form of the equation of a parabola isy=ax^2 +q.

Domain and range

The domain isfx:x 2 Rgbecause there is no value for whichf(x)is undefined.

Ifa > 0 then we have:
x^2  0 (Perfect square is always positive)
ax^2  0 (sincea >0)
ax^2 +q  q (addqto both sides)
)f(x)  q

Therefore ifa > 0 , the range is[q; 1 ). Similarly, ifa < 0 then the range is(1;q].

Worked example 5: Domain and range of a parabola


Ifg(x) =x^2 + 2, determine the domain and range of the function.

Chapter 6. Functions 161
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