2 a(a 1) 3
a^2 1
= 2a(a) + 2a( 1) + ( 3)
+ ( 3) ( 1)
= 2a^2 2 a 3 a^2 + 3
= a^2 2 a+ 3
Multiplying two binomials EMAD
Here we multiply (or expand) two linear binomials:
(ax+b) (cx+d) = (ax) (cx) + (ax)d+b(cx) +bd
=acx^2 +adx+bcx+bd
=acx^2 +x(ad+bc) +bd
Worked example 8: Multiplying two binomials
Find the product:(3x 2) (5x+ 8)
(3x 2) (5x+ 8) = (3x) (5x) + (3x) (8) + ( 2) (5x) + ( 2) (8)
= 15x^2 + 24x 10 x 16
= 15x^2 + 14x 16
The product of two identical binomials is known as the square of the binomial and is written as:
(ax+b)^2 =a^2 x^2 + 2abx+b^2
If the two terms are of the formax+bandax bthen their product is:
(ax+b) (ax b) =a^2 x^2 b^2
This product yields the difference of two squares.
Multiplying a binomial and a trinomial EMAF
A trinomial is an expression with three terms, for example,ax^2 +bx+c. Now we can learn how to multiply a
binomial and a trinomial.
Chapter 1. Algebraic expressions 17