Everything Science Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


does it have?


Step 1:Analyse the problem and identify the principles
We are asked to determine a number of electrons based on a total
charge. We know that charge is quantised and that electrons carry the
base unit of charge which is− 1 , 6 × 10 −^19 C.

Step 2:Apply the principle
As each electron carries the same charge the total charge must be made
up of a certain number of electrons. To determine how many electrons
we divide the total charge by the charge on a single electron:

N = −^1 ,^92 ×^10

− 17
− 1 , 6 × 10 −^19
= 120electrons

Example 4: Conducting spheres and movement of charge


I have 2 charged metal conducting spheres on insulating stands which are identical
except for having different charge. Sphere A has a charge of− 5 nC and sphere B
has a charge of− 3 nC. I then bring the spheres together so that they touch each
other. Afterwards I move the two spheres apart so that they are no longer touching.
1. What happens to the charge on the two spheres?
2. What is the final charge on each sphere?


Step 1:Analyse the question
We have two identical negatively charged conducting spheres which
are brought together to touch each other and then taken apart again.

268 Physics: Electricity and Magnetism

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