Elements ESAAA
Anelementis a chemical substance that can’t be divided or changed into other chemi-
cal substances by any ordinary chemical means. The smallest unit of an element is the
An element is a substance that cannot be broken down into other substances
through chemical means.
There are 112 officially named elements and about 118 known elements. Most of these are
natural, but some are man-made. The elements we know are represented in theperiodic
table, where each element is abbreviated to achemical symbol. Table 2.3 gives the first
20 elements and some of the common transition metals.
Recently it was
agreed that two more
elements would be
added to the list
of officially named
elements. These are
elements number
114 and 116. The
proposed name
for element 114 is
flerovium and for
element 116 it is
moscovium. This
brings the total
number of officially
named elements to
Element name Element symbol Element name Element symbol
Hydrogen H Phosphorus P
Helium He Sulphur S
Lithium Li Chlorine Cl
Beryllium Be Argon Ar
Boron B Potassium K
Carbon C Calcium Ca
Nitrogen N Iron Fe
Oxygen O Nickel Ni
Fluorine F Copper Cu
Neon Ne Zinc Zn
Sodium Na Silver Ag
Magnesium Mg Platinum Pt
Aluminium Al Gold Au
Silicon Si Mercury Hg
Table 2.2: List of the first 20 elements and some common transition metals
Chemistry: Matter and Materials 31