Everything Science Grade 11

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Iron in South Africa ESBCU

The primary steel industry is an important partof the South African economy and it generates agreat
deal of foreign exchange.

  • About 40 million tonsof iron ore is mined annually in South Africa. Approximately 15 million
    tons are consumed locally, and the remaining 25 million tons are exported.

  • South Africa is rankedabout 20th in the worldin terms of its crude steel production.

  • South Africa is the largest steel producer in Africa.

  • South Africa exports crude steel and finished steel products, and a lot is also used locally.

  • Some of the productsthat are manufactured in South Africa includereinforcing bars, railway
    track material, wire rod,plates and steel coils and sheets.

Exercise 9 - 3

Iron is usually extractedfrom hematite (iron(III)oxide). Iron ore is mixedwith limestone and cokein a
blast furnace to producethe metal. The following incomplete word equations describe the extraction

A coke + oxygen→ gas X

B gas X + coke→ gas Y

C iron(III) oxide + gas Y→ iron + gas X

  1. Name the gases X and Y.

  2. Write a balanced chemical equation for reaction C.

  3. What is the functionof gas Y in reaction C?

  4. Why is limestone added to the reaction mixture?

  5. Briefly describe the impact that the mining of iron has on the economy and the environment in
    our country.

(DoE Exemplar Paper, Grade 11, 2007)

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