Let us draw F 1 first. According to the scale it has length 5 cm.
5 cm
Step 4 : Draw the second scaled vector
Next we draw F 2. According to the scaleit has length 4 cm. Wemake use of a
protractor to draw this vector at 30◦to the horizontal.
5 cm = 5 N
4 cm = 4 N
30 ◦
Step 5 : Determine the resultant vector
Next we complete the parallelogram and draw the diagonal.
5 N
4 N Resultant
The resultant has a measured length of 8,7 cm.
Step 6 : Find the direction
We use a protractor to measure the angle between the horizontal and theresul-
tant. We get 13,3◦.
Step 7 : Apply the scale conversion
Finally we use the scaleto convert the measuredlength into the actual magni-
tude. Since 1 cm = 1 N, 8,7 cm represents 8,7N. Therefore the resultant force
is 8,7 N at 13,3◦above the horizontal.
The parallelogram method is restricted to the addition of just two vectors. However, it is arguably the
most intuitive way of adding two forces acting on a point.
Algebraic Addition andSubtraction of Vec-
Vectors in a Straight Line
Whenever you are facedwith adding vectors acting in a straight line (i.e.some directed left and some
right, or some acting upand others down) you can use a very simple algebraic technique: