Example 4: Newton’s First Law inaction
Why do passengers getthrown to the side when the car they are driving in goes around a
Step 1 : What happens before the car turns
Before the car starts turning both the passengersand the car are travelling at the
same velocity. (picture A)
Step 2 : What happens while the car turns
The driver turns the wheels of the car, which then exert a force on thecar and
the car turns. This forceacts on the car but not the passengers, hence (by New-
ton’s First Law) the passengers continue movingwith the same original velocity.
(picture B)
Step 3 : Why passengers get thrown to the side?
If the passengers are wearing seat belts they will exert a force on the passengers
until the passengers’ velocity is the same as thatof the car (picture C). Without a
seat belt the passenger may hit the side of the car.
A: Both the car and the
person travelling at the
same velocity
B: The cars turns but not
the person
C: Both the car and the
person are travelling at the
same velocity again