Everything Science Grade 11

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Step 3 : Name the action-reaction pairs
The question only asks for action-reaction forcesin the horizontal plane.There-
Pair 1: Action: Appliedforce of the girl on the book; Reaction: The force of the
book on the girl.
Pair 2: Action: Force ofthe book on the wall; Reaction: Force of the wall on the
Note that a Newton III pair will always involve the same combination of words,
like ’book on wall’ and’wall on book’. The objects are ’swapped around’ in
naming the pairs.

General experiment: Balloon Rocket

Aim: In this experiment for the entire class, youwill use a balloon rocket to investigate
Newton’s Third Law. Afishing line will be usedas a track and a plasticstraw taped to the
balloon will help attachthe balloon to the track.
Apparatus: You will need the following items for this experiment:

  1. balloons (one for each team)

  2. plastic straws (one for each team)

  3. tape (cellophane or masking)

  4. fishing line, 10 meters in length

  5. a stopwatch - optional (a cell phone can alsobe used)

  6. a measuring tape - optional


  1. Divide into groups of at least five.

  2. Attach one end of thefishing line to the blackboard with tape. Have one teammate hold
    the other end of the fishing line so that it is tautand roughly horizontal.The line must
    be held steady and must not be moved up or down during the experiment.

  3. Have one teammateblow up a balloon andhold it shut with his orher fingers. Have
    another teammate tapethe straw along the sideof the balloon. Threadthe fishing line
    through the straw and hold the balloon at the far end of the line.

  4. Let go of the rocket and observe how the rocket moves forward.

  5. Optionally, the rockets of each group can betimed to determine a winner of the fastest

(a) Assign one teammate to time the event. The balloon should be letgo when the
time keeper yells “Go!”Observe how your rocket moves toward the blackboard.
(b) Have another teammate stand right next to the blackboard and yell “Stop!” when
the rocket hits its target. If the balloon does not make it all the way tothe black-
board, “Stop!” should be called when the balloon stops moving. The timekeeper
should record the flighttime.
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