Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. A woman riding a bicycle collides head-on with a parked
    school bus. Which object feels greater force?

Here’s How to Crack It

Newton’s third law states that the force exerted by the bus on the woman/bike will
be equal in magnitude to the force that the woman/bike exerts on the bus. What is
different is the effect of the force. Since Fnet = ma, the bus (with larger mass) will

experience a smaller acceleration than the woman on the bike.

Slow Down: A Momentum Recap
The three laws we’ve just covered are the foundation to many other
concepts, so let’s sum them up before moving on.
Newton’s First Law

  • Moving objects keep moving

  • Resting objects keep resting

  • Law of Inertia: Objects naturally resist change in their velocities.

  • The measure of inertia is mass.
    Newton’s Second Law
    Fnet = ma
    Forces are vectors, measured in Newtons (N).
    Newton’s Third Law
    Action-reaction pairs are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction, so
    F1-on-2 = F2-on-1.

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